Celebrating Unlearning
My first real face-to-face interaction with the work of Cy Twombly was in the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Not Here/There
The works in this latest series bring focus to one of the key aspects of being human that I find compelling - the idea that we, as people, spend a lifetime working on our identity and yet it, like our bodies, is completely false. It is impermanent at its root,...

Damien Hirst ‘pops’ the art bubble. Thank you, Roberta Smith!
"On one level, the Hirst à Gogo is a blatant promotion of both the Hirst and Gagosian brands, and a sitting-duck symbol of the end-time, we’re-doing-this-because-we-can decadence that has subsumed so much of the art world — yet another instance of money celebrating...

Green outsider alternative art – one possibility.
In pondering the burgeoning consequences of man-made combustion on the climate, it's become increasingly apparent to me that we do really need to start taking into account everything we do and how it influences our air, land and water quality. The naysayers may want...

What the world needs now is…
...no more bullshit. That's the simple truth. And whether it's in architecture, politics or art, it's about time that everyone start calling a spade, a spade. There's a great blog article I was reading that brought this concept and it's encumbant realities to the fore...

The almost-Great Depression is a reality.
How many of you have noticed, as I have, how incredibly bad off a lot of people are right now? I mean, it's easy to ignore if you want, and god knows lots of people do, but WOW!, it's really getting ugly out there. (If you don't see it, are you blind?) As an artist,...

Relational art and the art of art marketing
I have spent a great deal of my life trying to figure out how my work 'fits in' to the contemporary art world. To be clear, I've struggled with what 'ism' or trend or group might my work belong to so that I might explain my peculiar approach to art making. In this...

1990’s expressionism
My full-fledged work with Neo-expressionism began and ended in the 1990's. My imagery moved away from landscape as the primary subject and it became more of a ground for images of people, emotions, ideas and reactions. I was completely enthralled by the idea of...

Slice me up, slice me down
I remember. Unlike so many people I know, I remember. The details may not be 100% but the colors, emotions and general tone of the experiences are still vivid. So many middle-aged adults, like myself, look at young people and say, "Look at them. How can they... that...

Thinking, dreaming… and preparing
I’ve been spending a lot of time lately working out the issues of how I want to spend the balance of my days. Given my family history (mom dead at 62, dad at 76) if I make it to 80, it will be a miracle. Combine that with having smoked for way too many years, which...