Mere ‘I’
2017 – 2019, Plainfield, NJ, Tampa, FL
Authenticity has been a driving force in the development of this work. I paint ambidextrously, working with both hands, using my right hand for clarity and definition and my left to avoid studied strokes and lines and elicit a more authentic mark. An enduring goal of mine has been to bring forth what is essential, what captures my truest identity. In the process, I have learned that identity is not fixed but rather blossoms out of a core seed that establishes me. This series of works started with a desire to find Mere ‘I,’ a term characterized by the Prasangika School of Buddhism.
Image to right:
Buddha Shakyamuni

Featured Work
Related exhibitions and events:
Drawing Rooms, Jersey City, NJ. October 2019
Atrium Gallery, Morristown, NJ. May 2017
Watchung Arts Center, Watchung, NJ. March 2019
435 W 8th ST. Apt 1
Plainfield, NJ, 07060 USA
(908) 625-1571
Open Hours
Call to schedule a studio visit