by admin | Jan 23, 2015 | News and Events
A postcard I submitted will be in the Postcards from the EDGE exhibit, a fundraiser for Visual AIDS. This exhibit features all 4″ x 6″ handcrafted postcards from a wide variety of artists including: Robert Gober, Pipilotti Rist, Jim Hodges, Catherine Opie,...
by admin | May 3, 2014 | News and Events
In my largest public project to date, RWJUH Rahway Hospital has awarded me a large scale photography project called, “Healing Hands”. The project focuses on how all the individuals who work in a health care institution contribute to the healthy outcome for...
by admin | Mar 2, 2014 | News and Events
The March 2014 exhibit at the Watchung Arts Center featured several landscape paintings of mine. The works in the show, entitled Multiplicity, cover and discuss the ideas around multiples in art, in our world and how many things contribute to the formation of our...
by admin | Jan 3, 2014 | News and Events
One of the most recent pieces from the Not Here/There series entitled, “Sheryl”, has been published in a calendar of Plainfield NJ artists. The calendar, put together by Harold Spingarn and the Netherwood Heights Neighbors, highlights the work of 12...
by admin | Dec 13, 2013 | News and Events
My first specifically art related interview for television! JC1 TV has released it’s online video tour of the 23rd Jersey City Studio Tour and has included a good interview about my work from the Sticks and Stones series. Check it out:
by admin | Sep 27, 2013 | News and Events
After something of a dry spell, things are picking up. I have work, along with the other New Art Group members, at the Jersey City Studio Tour 2013. I’m showing works from 2011 from the “Sticks and Stones” exhibit. It’s an exciting event that...